Sufyan Menk Pic

Technical Skills


Proficient + Application



Objective-C & C++

Proficient + Application




Proficient + Application

Relational SQL

Proficient + Application

Sufyan Menk

Seeking to expand my knowledge of Computer Science, gain industry experience and have fun along the way.

Software Experience

  • Node JS

  • Angular2+

  • Xcode

  • Intellj / PyCharms IDEA / Eclipse

  • Oracle SQL Developer

  • MySQL

  • JavaFX

  • GIT Version Control

  • Windows, OS X, Linux & CLIs

Job Experience

Illinois Institute of Technology Graduate Admissions

Technical Communications Student Coordinator

May 2017 – July 2018

  • Learned and used Salesforce to maintain communication flow and create new ones.
  • Overhauled the design of all email communication to a more appealing and brighter template.
  • Developed and implemented a program recommendation website that shows prospect students programs they would be interested in at Illinois Tech.
  • Overhauled the prospect and inquiry communication flows to use a cascading communication model. Resulting in a more personal email to the prospective student and an organized chain of communication.

Chicago Public Schools


June 2013 – August 2013

My responsibilities included assisting with the transition from the old CPS website to the new one. I siphoned through hundreds of old files and prioritized, which files needed to be kept.

Another responsibility I had was to make website templates for schools that could be used easily and result in a professional website. I produced tutorial videos on how to install and use the templates.


Makki Masjid iOS App


August 2014 - Current

Developed this application to help my local mosque get information to their members. It includes prayer times, news, and contact information about the mosque. As of March 23 2016, the app has 500+ downloads.

I am still releasing updates to the app on a regular basis, and have plans to make an Android version in the near future.

Download on App-store badge

School Management System

June 2017 - Current

Created a customized school management system for the evening school using Google Suite, Google Apps Scripts, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For the 2017-18 year the system managed 246 students and 20 school staff.

The system consists of 6 custom developed modules:

  • Online & Office Registration
  • Class Attendance
  • Staff Attendance and Payroll
  • Exam entry with Report Card generation
  • Student Directory
  • Records Manager

I was involved in creating and maintaining all the modules resulting in $100,000+ revenue in 2017-18.

Website Overhaul

December 2016 - January 2016

During my winter break I rehauled Makki Masjid website. The specs of the website were:

  • A mobile friendly and appealing user interface,
  • Ability to view daily prayer times,
  • Ability to post news,
  • Ability to post events,
  • Make it easy for users to donate online.

To satisfy all these specs I made the website on the WordPress platform.


Illinois Institute of Technology

Graduated in May 2018

  • Bachelor in Computer Science

  • Master of Science in Computer Science

  • Co-terminal Student

  • Cum Laude

  • 7x on Dean List

Northside College Preparatory High School

Graduated in 2013

  • Earned high school Diploma

  • #1 high school in Illinois

    #15 high school in the U.S.A.

  • GPA 3.6